Monday, December 17, 2012

The Simple story

My speech from the FST "The Future of Banking & Financial Services" conference in Sydney on Nov 8.

Many Thanks to Marcel and the team at FST for inviting me to Sydney.

Update: I uploaded the full, hi-def video to youtube. Also, I did an interview about Simple while I was in Sydney, and you can view that at the the FST site

1 comment:

  1. I cannot over emphasize the professionalism of CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM I have spent several hours monitoring my husband and his co-worker flirting literally and there has not been any technical malfunctions. I have been able to monitor all his communications with his girlfriend and I can see clearly that he has alot of them, he must be a devil, because I dont understand how he still comes home to tell me he loves me.. I have never been this dissapointed and sad in my life before. I really want to thank my stars I took courage to contact him and for all his tender kindness towards assisting me and giving me exactly what I requested for in the hack. You can also take a bold step to contact him and find out about your cheating spouce.
